Monday, March 10, 2008

!!! This post rated R

Absolutely Bananas asked that we give some warning about a post that may be inappropriate for young children. So here it is...

THIS IS INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18!! They shouldn't even be in the house ok?

Now I think its hilarious but my sense of humor is vulgar at best. Sarah Silverman made this for her boyfriend (who knew?) Jimmy Kimmel!


Anonymous said...

Have you seen Kimmel's response - "I'm f*cking Ben Affleck"? Equally hilarious, maybe even more so. It's on YouTube too.

San Diego Momma/Two Funny Brains said...

I love both those videos! Makes me laugh everytime.

Also, seeing Matt Damon dance and "rap" is priceless.


Bananas said...

these are so funny. and I agree with andi, you now have to go find the Ben Affleck one.

Rosie said...

Ahh, I've seen this one before, still makes me laugh out loud!!

Anonymous said...

pahaha, I didn't watch it again since i've seen it and Terrorist is home LOL... Loved this!!

moosh in indy. said...

I'm a freaking prude and even I laughed at this when I first saw it. (I am still prude enough not to watch it again. Sad right?)

Emily Main said...

I know! Did you see Jimmy Kimmels video right back at her? My husband made me watch these last night! LOVE THEM!
