Thursday, February 14, 2008

What's it worth to ya?

Please remind me the next time I bet Spouse on something...not to do it.

Well at least, not to wager who has to clean the upstairs toilets....

...and not to put my money on this guy.

You got it right; Spouse and I bet household chores on American Idol.

Last night I was on the loosing end. (heh, get it?)

But this morning I was a winner! Because I woke up to this....

(shameless excuse to show off little monkey)

What do you bet on?

What's it worth to ya?


Anonymous said...

A long time ago, Jay and I bet on who was talking in a song. He said it was Jeff Goldblum and I disagreed. We looked at who starred in the movie (it was Annie Hall)and Goldblum was there so Jay declared himself the winner. Then one day we watched the movie and the quote was actually spoken by Christopher Walken. Ha! Ten years later and he still hasn't lived that one down.


Anonymous said...

You bet on Idol? over toilets? serves you right LOL...

Right now I'm betting that I'm going to have a miserable weekend because I was supposed to have the best weekend EVER and now I'm stuck home with sick people and no baby to snuggle or BF to watch Colin Firth with...bahhh humbug!

Megan said...

I posted a few weeks ago about how my hubby and I bet on EVERYTHING! Most recently, I didn't have to cook dinner for a week because the Giants won the Superbowl!

Cheryl said...

Ok which female won???? Because darn comcast cut off the end RIGHT BEFORE THEY SAID WHICH GIRL WENT THROUGH! ArghhhhhHHHHH!

I can't believe you bet on the politician!! *lol*

Anonymous said...

Normally we bet on what the actor we're watching has been in in the past. I normally lose, which he's caught on to, so he tries to bet me sexual favors. I don't normally fall for that one!

Oh, btw, the babe looks eerily like someone else I know...hmmm...
